Keep Callers on the line. Connect with your customers with on hold messaging that delivers results.
Silence is the sound of a missed opportunity. Create a positive on-hold experience and make the most of every call with on-hold messaging from Mood. Reduce hang-ups, drive sales and engage callers with relevant information that makes the time fly by.
- Increase awareness of products and services
- Manage call traffic, provide hours of operation
- Increase employee productivity
- Highlight promotions and supplement marketing efforts
- Invite customers to like your business on social channels and visit your website
“Our hospital has used Mood’s services for more than 20 years, and we couldn’t imagine using anyone other than Mood for our on hold messaging needs.”
Tanto si pretendes promocionar tus últimas ofertas como crear una atmósfera que refuerce la imagen de tu marca, Mood diseñará una experiencia de mensajesque conectará con tus consumidores de un modo extraordinario.
#1 Colaboración
#2 Creación
#3 Aprobación
#4 Producción
Con nuestro portal Voice Design, fácil de usar, simplificamos la creación de mensajes. En unos pocos clicks, podrás:
- Crear guines y enviar pedidos
- Ver el historial de pedidos
- Gestionar preferencias de locutores y estilos
- Ver ajustes de cuenta
- Aprobar mensajes o solicitar cambios
+ More than 85% of callers prefer on-hold messages over silence. - Cellular Marketing Magazine
of callers make a purchase as a result of something they heard on-hold. –Maximarketing
Caller retention increases by 40% when on-hold messaging is played. – US West
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Eleva tu experiencia de cliente a través del poder de MOOD:MEDIA. Contacta con nosotros.